The Dylan Thomas Birthplace

Support The Birthplace

The Birthplace receives no public funding.
The house is run as a labour of love by Geoff Haden, supported by his daughter Sarah, Dylan expert & writer Alun Gibbard, and a handful of loyal volunteers.

The Birthplace is a living museum.
We hope to tell Dylan’s story, to promote his beautiful writing worldwide, to show where he wrote two-thirds of his work, and to be a welcoming space for everyone.

Contact us to see how you can donate

We completely understand that you may not be able to contribute financially but there are other ways you can help us.

  • Spread the word! Tell your family & friends about us.
  • Like, tag & share our social media posts. We are active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube.
  • Come and visit us for a house tour.
  • Book an overnight stay.
  • Attend one of our events. Either in person, or online.